Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Father Knows Best!

Back in May of 2009, four months before he passed away, and while he was recovering from cancer surgery, my Dad warned me about Barack Obama. 

He asked me to create a survey asking the following four questions about what would happen under the Obama Administration FIRST.  The choices were:

1.  Obama will ditch the dollar in favor of the "Amero"

2.  Obama will disregard the Constitution of the United States

3.  Obama will cancel the 2012 Elections

4.  Obama will declare himself "President for Life"

What has come to be in the last 5 years is the realization that all Obama needed to do was #2 - disregard the Constitution, to achieve his goal of "transformation" of the United States.  We have seen unconstitutional appointments (NLRB), an incredible use of government entities against its own citizens in limiting free speech, the right to peaceably assemble, or own a gun, while at the same time institutionalizing a blatant disregard to enforce the laws already on the books (such as immigration), hatred of the free market and forcing the American people (and businesses) into an overburdensome and excessive health care law that does not reduce the deficit, take care of seniors or provide any improvement to healthcare as "promised".

Additionally, the "Low Information Voters", those who are blinded by his color and/or his party, continue to willfully follow and support Obama in these their own peril.  Obama cannot be touched... ergo we dare admit, WE THE PEOPLE made an egregious error in the 2008 election.  As has come to light now, the Obama administration knew the people were "waking up" to his awful policies - the 2010 elections proved that. Thus the required extraordinary effort to curb the speech of the ONLY efforts to educate folks on this blunder for 2012... the Tea Parties and Conservatives across the U.S.  Certainly the media has been more than complicit in this disaster.

Beyond the IRS, Bengahzi, Dept. of Justice offenses -no one seems to be focused on OUTCOME of these offenses.  Democrats provide lip service with the "need for more laws" to prevent this from ever happening again.  We already have the laws!  What we need are the public servants in Washington to grow a pair and start convicting the criminals in this administration.  This is beyond "Nixonian" people.  This is willful disregard of the freedoms and rights granted us by our Creator. 

My father saw Obama's ominpotence long before any of this had come to fruition.  Those who refuse to acknowledge the disaster -just as those who do not pay attention to history, are doomed to repeat it.  If we don't right this ship, America -the place where many would risk their lives in an attempt to start a new life, is doomed.  Thank your local liberal for its destruction and look out for #4 in 2016.

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